Our favorite environmental engineer!
Building Climate Resilience: A Nature-Based Approach In recent years an increasing body of knowledge has demonstrated the many benefits...

Director Ortiz carries environmental successes to Montgomery County, DEP
Beginning of 2019 Director Adam Ortiz will leave his post at the Prince George's County Department of Environment to bring his experience...

Director Ortiz is hosting...
Tuesday, July 10th Director of the Prince George's Department of the Environment hosted a tour of the Decatur Green Street in Edmonston,...

HUGE THANKS to RainWorks Supporters
Friends of Quincy Run and Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek thank all the members of the RainWorks Team for their support of and...

RainWorks Projects officially complete!
Friday the RainWorks team hosted a tour of the 5 projects completed under Prince George's County's Storm Water Stewards Grant Program. ...

Moss Run hosts a special visitor
Today, during a much needed rain fall, Deputy Director of the Prince George's County Department of the Environment made a 2 hour visit to...

RAINWORKS: Gardener to the First Lady leads workshop
Today the Rainworks Team welcomed Dr. Christopher Puttock to our watersheds to lead a plant selection workshop. Chris, Executive...

RAINWORKS: construction begins at Hillcrest Terrace
Construction began today on RainWorks Hillcrest Terrace. Property owner Bernard Smadja gave his blessing to the design and planting...

RAINWORKS: Engineer Mike Clar Leads Workshop and Tour
Noted Engineer Mike Clar conducted a work shop in the Port Towns for community members and contractors interested in participating in...

Special guest visits Quincy Run!
Former Mayor of Edmonston and current Director of Prince George's County Department of the Environment Adam Ortiz chose Quincy Run for...