RAINWORKS: FLBC receives Stormwater Stewards Grant.
October 13, 2015, Friends of Lower Beaverdam Creek (FLBC) received a generous award through the Storm Water Stewards Grant Program. Funding for this program is provided by the Chesapeake Bay Trust, the Prince George's County Department of the Environment, and residents of Prince George's through the Clean Water Fee. At a recent event hosted at Behnke's Nursery in Beltsville, awardees were recognized. Second from left in photo above is Mr. Adam Ortiz, Director of the Prince George's County Department of the Environment. To his left are Ms. Esther Rice, Master Gardener, and Marian Dombroski, Project Manager, both representing Friends of Quincy Run.
FLBC, acting as the fiscal sponsor for Friends of Quincy Run, received this funding for projects in the Quincy Run and Moss Run watersheds, both tributaries of the Anacostia RIver. The goal of the project - titled RAINWORKS - is to identify, design and implement in the ground projects to reduce damage to our streams and rivers caused by rain water running off private property. Run-off also damages the properties which generate it, so candidate projects are not hard to identify.
To implement these projects, FLBC is partnering with Friends of Quincy Run Watershed and the B5 Initiative. Engineering advice will be provided by Mr. Mike Clar of Ecosite. Ms. Mary Abe will provide Landscape Architecture consulting. Project sites have been identified, property owners are engaged, and design is in progress. Construction will begin this summer, and sites will be planted in the fall and spring. We hope to be up and running in time for our spring rains next year. Stay tuned for more information. Contact us if you would like to get involved.
To read the official announcement, please follow the link below