Director Ortiz is hosting...
Tuesday, July 10th Director of the Prince George's Department of the Environment hosted a tour of the Decatur Green Street in Edmonston, Md. Edmonston suffered severe flooding four years in a row due to poor development practices in the watershed. The community became interested in and committed to developing a “Green Plan” to address their current and future needs. The Town’s Mayor Adam Ortiz supported the greening of Decatur Street, stating “All streets have an 'expiration date', a time when they must be repaired, resurfaced, or replaced. Instead of fixing our 'expired' streets in the conventional way, it was proposed that we do so in the most environmentally responsible way. We think that if our little working class town can accomplish a project like this, other municipalities - of any size - can and should do them too.”
Thank you, Director Ortiz, for sharing the remarkable story of the first green, complete street in the United States.